1..2...3.. clear

After maybe what seems like donkey years (ok, maybe just a coupla months) and perhaps thanks to Jin Siang's comments about my less-than-lively weblog activity, I think I will actually start taking proactive steps to resurrect this space which is fast growing cyber mould, before it becomes another virtual piece of sentimental trash I'll never update, but never throw away. I'm still not entirely certain which direction I intend to take with this journal, seeing there are still certain principles I adhere to when I write knowing there is possibly a young public readership, lest I become a two minded writer scribbling about like a headless chicken worrying whether a 13 yr old kid will be stumbled if I so much as use a swear word in here. Then again, I should worry about crossing that bridge if and when I eventually get to it, shouldn't I?

But anyhoo, that aside, now that the blogger in me is slowly being revived like the a she-Frankenstein, I guess a mandatory update about myself is in order. But later, for now, I need to clock out folks :p

Catcha later, peeps.

Ps: About my small fonts, it ain't small, it's fashionably petite ;)